Price: £8.00
The late Enrnie Bernard Newbold was a reporter on the Coventry Evening Telegraph (later The Coventry Telegraph) for a number of years, and became known as 'Mr. Coventry'. This publication is a … [more ]
Reprint publish the following books by E. B. Newbold.
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Price: £8.00
The late Enrnie Bernard Newbold was a reporter on the Coventry Evening Telegraph (later The Coventry Telegraph) for a number of years, and became known as 'Mr. Coventry'. This publication is a … [more ]
Price: £8.00
From the introduction:
"In a city that has grown as fast as Coventry there must be many people who, having migrated to it, are not fully informed about its history, achievements, wartime … [more ]
Warwickshire History Makers (1975)
Price: £8.00
From the book's introduction:
"Warwickshire, in the heart of England, is a shire of contrasts, with historic castles, winding lanes and pleasant wooded countryside, and also great industrial cities … [more ]