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book reference 128": The Civil War at Cotes Mill and other stories about the River Soar
by Malcolm Dark
Price: £6.50
Cotes Mill stands on the outskirts of Loughborough, beyond the railway station, on the road to Nottingham. Opposing forces met there and for two days endeavoured to gain control over the extensive … [more about book reference 128]
book reference 168": A History of Walton on the Wolds
by Ann Jones
Price: £17.00
Includes maps, past and present photographs, census returns, wills, family trees, monumental inscriptions, etc., with colour plates.
book reference 51": Tom Moore and Kegworth (1911)
by D. Woodcock, G. F. Hudson (reprint)
Price: £6.50
A detailed account of the time Tom Moore spent in Kegworth village.
The house he rented still stands today.
This publication also includes two stories of the past, by time travel, visiting and … [more about book reference 51]