Price: £8.00
The Story of One Man's Life in the Royal Navy at the Beginning of the 20th Century.
When Winston Churchill became the First Lord of the Admiralty he wrote:
“When I went to the Admiralty I … [more ]
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Price: £8.00
The Story of One Man's Life in the Royal Navy at the Beginning of the 20th Century.
When Winston Churchill became the First Lord of the Admiralty he wrote:
“When I went to the Admiralty I … [more ]
Price: £11.50
Two years after the end of the second world war. At three, Providence Place Leicester on March the 17th a mother was getting her son ready for his bath. The time was around four o'clock … [more ]
Price: £6.50
On 30th January 1649, King Charles I was executed in London by the severing of his head from his body. Seven years after the King had declared civil war, Britain became a crown without a king and … [more ]