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Books about Loughborough

Reprint publish the following books about Loughborough:

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front cover

book reference 221": Loughborough Grammar School: School List (1937)


Price: £5.50

A list of pupils at the school in 1937, with a history of the school. Includes day-to-day facts of lessons and many other interesting points, with a collection of photos of the school building.

front cover

book reference 108": Loughborough in Black & White. Volume 1

by David Dover

Price: £8.00

Over 50 postcards and photos of Loughborough from 1900 to the 1960s. The 1960s photos will be remembered by many.

This publication was the first by Reprint and is a best seller.

Showing 41–50 of 99 titles •
Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10